The recipe for stewed rigatelle snails is a gem of regional cuisine: here's how to prepare them at home, in red, for a decidedly original second course.
If one thing is certain, it is that the recipe for stewed snails is widely made throughout the peninsula. Each region boasts its own version, going from the Friulian one to the Venetian one, and again from Tuscany to then arrive at the Roman one, in Lazio. It is equally true that, if eating stewed snails does not appeal to many, those who have tasted them swear that it is worth going beyond their limits by challenging their mind, and their stomach, to open up to new horizons. And who are we, not to invite you to try this traditional dish? For this reason, we leave you the recipe for snails stewed in tomato, a second course that is certainly different from the usual and that you cannot fail to try at least once in your life. Here are the ingredients and procedure.
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Grazie della ricetta finalmente le posso gustare quando voglio Essen reperibili al supermercato COOP già spurgare. Invece di aspettare due volte l’anno ai circoli ….
In Sicilia sono chiamate Babalusee o cosa del genere.