Lumache rigatelle in umido: ricetta

Stewed rigatelle snails: recipe

The recipe for stewed rigatelle snails is a gem of regional cuisine: here's how to prepare them at home, in red, for a decidedly original second course.

snails rigatelle recipe for sale

If one thing is certain, it is that the recipe for stewed snails is widely made throughout the peninsula. Each region boasts its own version, going from the Friulian one to the Venetian one, and again from Tuscany to then arrive at the Roman one, in Lazio. It is equally true that, if eating stewed snails does not appeal to many, those who have tasted them swear that it is worth going beyond their limits by challenging their mind, and their stomach, to open up to new horizons. And who are we, not to invite you to try this traditional dish? For this reason, we leave you the recipe for snails stewed in tomato, a second course that is certainly different from the usual and that you cannot fail to try at least once in your life. Here are the ingredients and procedure.

Ingredients for 4 people

  • Preparation 60 min
  • Rest time 1440 min
  • Calories 170 Kcal x 100g
  • Low difficulty

Washing rigatelle snails:


  • Soak the snails for a couple of hours to let them come out of their shells. To avoid having to collect them around the house, I recommend covering them with a perforated lid. The snails should then be washed under running water, rubbing them delicately with your hands together to remove all impurities. This operation must be repeated several times until the water comes out clean.
  • Place the snails in a pan with cold water covering them by 4 inches, close them with a lid and let them rest for half an hour. This operation is essential to bring out the snails that have retreated back into their shells during the washing operations. After this time, place the pot with the snails on the smallest heat in the kitchen and set to low to bring the water to a slow boil. Thanks to the slow heating of the water, the snails will remain outside their shells, which is essential to be able to eat them easily.
  • As soon as the snails are all out of their shells, increase the heat and bring to a stronger boil. When the water boils, add 2.5 tablespoons of salt and leave to simmer for another 25 minutes without stirring, then turn off the heat. Drain the snails and rinse them quickly under running water. Then leave them in a colander to finish draining.

Preparation of stewed snails

  1. Bleed the snails (if they are not frozen or farmed): let them rest in a net for a few days. Once this is done, wash them for a long time under running cold water, then let them dry.

  2. Now finely slice the onion and fry it in olive oil. Add the snails and brown them for 5 minutes. Wet them with the white wine, raise the heat to let it evaporate.

  3. Add the peeled tomatoes cut into pieces and the hot broth. Continue cooking for a good half hour. Season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with plenty of chopped parsley and serve.

Stewed snails variant

If you don't like tomatoes, you can always try stewed snails in white, an equally tasty version that might surprise you.


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