ansa pompei street food

Snails, the food of Pompeii, an ancient "street food" shop resurfaces with remains of food from the time

In the new excavations undertaken within the maintenance and restoration project of the Regio V, a perfectly preserved Thermopoly (Latin name indicating the workshop, ed.) has resurfaced, with the image of a sea nymph on horseback and animals with such bright colors to appear three-dimensional

(ANSA) - ROME, DECEMBER 26 - Two ducks hanging by their feet, a rooster that appears to be painted in 3D, a dog on a leash with a homophobic insult graffitied on it. The almost intact environment of a Thermopolium, a food shop to which was added refined street food, with dishes of all kinds, from snails to a sort of "paella", has returned to light in Pompeii. Pompeii snails

A shop of what today we would call " street food ", with remains of food from the time still preserved inside the containers: this is the latest, new discovery made in the archaeological site of Pompeii, a site that never ceases to give us surprises . In the new excavations undertaken within the maintenance and restoration project of the Regio V, a perfectly preserved Thermopoly (Latin name indicating the workshop, ed.) has resurfaced, with the image of a sea nymph on horseback and animals with such bright colors to appear three-dimensional. But what is most surprising is the discovery in the containers of the Thermopoly of traces of food that was sold in the street: it was in fact the habit of the Pompeians to consume hot food and drinks outdoors . Specialists from the Pompeii Archaeological Park are already studying the material to verify how much this discovery can broaden knowledge about eating habits in the Roman era. “With teamwork, which required legislative standards and quality of people, today Pompeii is indicated in the world as an example of protection and management, returning to being one of the most visited places in Italy where research is carried out, we continue to dig and extraordinary discoveries like this are made,” commented the Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, Dario Franceschini.


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